Bye bye Anagha...and come back soon! We want to have another get-together to welcome you.
Since this get-together was to bid Anagha farewell, I'll start with what she has to say,
"No amount of adjectives can describe yesterday's experience. I can't believe I was meeting all my friends for the second time, and it felt as though i have known them since ever. I really do apologize for being late (this shopping is driving me crazy) but "apan saglyanni aswad chi jaaga janu kahi vikatach ghetli hoti", and the singing session with Vivek who really sang well (i mean it :), and not forgetting Riddhesh's contri (it's okay Riddhesh, dooba dooba sounds good whichever way you sing it, hehe kidding), and then of course the lovely moonlight walk upto the restaurant for our dinner. God, Mangesh and Asawari, are SO FUNNY. these days, the moment i see their faces i burst into peels of laughter. And of course the lovely food, and the jokes, and am sure the snaps are gonna be nice (we trust you Vivs ,hehe) Last but not the least, the lovely cards that all my dear friends gifted to me, and the Ganpati idol. It was very thoughtful of Mangya and Kedar to pick up my words that I worship Lord Ganpati, and gift me accordingly on everyone's behalf. I was really touched. Mee US madhe ek chota devghar banavnaar ahe. tyasathi ek chota paat, niranjan, ful-vatee ghetlya ahet, Mangeshacha foto tar ahech, tyasobat ata Ganpati chi moorti pan asel, hence I really liked the gifts. I read everybody's messages on the cards, AmBo ur poem is heart-rendering, very nice indeed! Thank you very much. It was sad that kaki-kaka couldn't turn up. Hope they get well soon, but I will certainly meet them before I leave India. I will surely be in touch with everyone thru orkut (I know you don't trust me, Keds), once I settle there in a few months, cuz I dont wanna miss this fun! Wish I was a part of this community earlier, would have had the chance to contribute towards this community. But anyways, I will try to do some good work there."
Hey Anagha, regarding can definitely do online contributions...and AmBo, I need that poem, its going on the blog for sure.
And when Anagha has said such a lot, it leaves less for others to say. So let me highlight some interesting points here...This was Anagha's second meet and she is already missing people. That is the attachment that has been built-up. The gift chosen was the best that Anagha could get. That says about the understanding that we have. And though we had a farewell, we did not let the emotions flow...that talks about the jolliness in the team. We all would miss Anagha...and that is because of the integrity in the team.
Nanda joined us for the first time and she had a rocking time. She says, "ata matra pudhchya meetchi agadi manapasun wat baghate ahe ..... manasokta hasanya sathi!!! It was a greatttttt evening!!!"
Nanda and Shalmali had to leave a bit early, but they regret it...cos they know what they have missed...we too missed you! Nagesh, OKC, Naresh and Pravin Da also had to leave early...nevertheless it was worth the 3 hours spent together.
Sudnya had to leave early in the previous meet, however she made it a point to stay till the end of this meet. She says, "Am never gonna forget the way we all laughed n laughed from starting till the end... just never came to know how time passed... n finally keeping a 'stone on our hearts' we all took each others leave n bid Anaghaa farewell... it ws a reallll fun!!!V ROCK, MAN!!!" The 'stone on our hearts' that Sudnya is referring to, we kept at 11:00 PM...the meet had started at about 6:00 PM. We were together for almost 5 hours and it still took us time to say "bye-bye"
If you are feeling that you have missed something, then make sure you don't miss the next meet. And if you feel, we have missed something, please write to us at
1 comment:
Seems like a great farewell party. So much of bon homie. I would love to attend your next meet.All the best Anagha, though I dont know u, u seem so popoular amongst the Maha GSBs. Bye
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