They say a picture depicts what thousand words can say...and we have comments from members who made it to the meet and I can say these comments create the picture of the meet!

The first comment comes from Riddhesh Nadkarni. He writes, "I am happy to write 1st message abt our get together held on 28th July 07. It was an awesome experience, simply joyfull I enjoyed a lot, spl jokes cracked by Kedar, Mangesh, Ashu and Vivek. I truly appreciate everyone for their gsb spirits. One thing that was really appreciating was that everyone was trying to gel up with each other very well. The later half was more fascinating when we all satiated our hunger at Aaswad and then went towards Shivaji park for timepass. Sharing loads of jokes, experiences etc etc was an lucrative part of this meet."
Vivek Pai had a presentation to attend. Yet he managed to make it to the meet and he exp
resses his heartfelt thanks to all those who made it to the meet, "The meet was really awesome, although I reached late as I had a presentation, but the time I spent there was simply wonderful, right from good old friends Ashu, Kedu, Ajinkya, and Gurudas kaka, to Uma, Mangesh, we all were having a ball of time. I made so many wonderful new friends like Vaibhav, Asawari, Amit[Ambo], Manoj, Anagha.............It was truely like a family get-together, and I'm sure that, now we are not just friends but a family, who is gonna meet regularly, have fun together and also do some good work. My humble thanks to everyone who made it for the meet, you all are really great, sorry to the people who had come early but had to leave, we shall meet next time for sure."
Nagesh-anna joined in late, along with OKC (Sameer Halady) and he too shares the same feelings. He says the meet was fabulous. AmBo (Amit Bhokle) who made it to the meet for the first time (after giving "tang" for a few times) shares the same thoughts.
Sudnya made it to the meet after a hectic day and had to leave early. She says "It was so refreshing to see all GSB's under one roof and having fun...it was a pure pleasure to meet all of them"
The first timers had equal fun too. Nandini who made it to the meet first time wishes that she does not miss the up-coming meets. Well, Nandni, we don't want you to miss it either.
Anagha too does not want to miss the meets either, however she is flying to US on August 20 for about 3 years. She says that "OUR GSB FAMILY ROCKS" and she wishes to stay back just for these meets. Well...Anagha...we are having a farewell for you and we will definitely have meets when you touch India again. Also whatever you miss, our photographers and this blog will bring it live for you...wherever you are.
And it has for all those who have missed. Sumit, Reetika, Anagha Palekar, Nilesh Gholkar Manjula (mayi) Shenoy and Anitha Prabhu who missed the meet regret knowing what they missed.
Overall the meet can be summarized by what Mangesh and AmBo say "Cheers! to the wonderful time together...may such meets keep happening"
We are also planning some social activities. So incase anyone has any suggestions, please do put them in the comments section and we'll definitely work them out as well.